Best Things to Do in the Three Cities of Malta

Last Updated: Jan 15, 2024
Reading Time: 9 minutes
By: Shaun

Malta is a country that is well known for its rich and diverse history, culture, and natural beauty. One of the most fascinating areas to visit in Malta is the Three Cities, also known as Cottonera. These are three fortified cities that date back to the Middle Ages and have played a crucial role in Malta’s history, especially during the Great Siege of 1565 and World War II.

The Three Cities of Vittoriosa, Senglea, and Cospicua are also known to locals by their Maltese names of Birgu, L-Isla, and Bormla respectively. Each city has its own unique charm and attractions that will appeal to different types of travellers. Whether you are interested in history, architecture, art, or simply enjoying the scenic views and local cuisine, you will find something to suit your taste in the Three Cities.

In this post, we will explore some of the best things to do in each of the Three Cities and give you some tips on how to make the most of your visit.

Vittoriosa (Birgu)

Vittoriosa is the oldest and most historic of the Three Cities. It was the first home of the Knights of St. John when they arrived in Malta in 1530, and it became their headquarters until they moved to Valletta in 1571. Vittoriosa was also the scene of fierce fighting during the Great Siege of 1565, when it resisted the Ottoman invasion with great courage and skill.

Today, Vittoriosa is a charming city that preserves its mediaeval character and heritage, which have also found their way into some popular movies that were shot in Malta. Here are some of the best things to do in Vittoriosa:

Explore Fort St. Angelo

Fort St. Angelo

Fort St. Angelo | Image by FritzPhotography on Wikimedia Commons

Vittoriosa is surrounded by impressive fortifications that testify to its strategic importance and military history. You can walk along the bastions and admire the views of the Grand Harbour and Valletta. You can also visit some of the museums that showcase different aspects of Vittoriosa’s past.

The most prominent landmark in Vittoriosa is, without a doubt, Fort St. Angelo. This massive fortress that stands on the tip of the peninsula was originally built by the Arabs in the 9th century and later expanded by the Knights of St. John and the British. It was also one of the main defensive positions during the Great Siege and World War II. You can explore its various rooms, courtyards, towers, and ramparts and learn about its history through interactive displays and audio guides.

Visit the Inquisitor’s Palace

Another must-see museum in Vittoriosa is the Inquisitor’s Palace, which was the residence and tribunal of the Inquisition in Malta from 1574 to 1798. You can see the original rooms where the inquisitors lived and worked, as well as the prison cells and torture chamber where the accused were interrogated and punished. You can also view various exhibits that illustrate the role and impact of the Inquisition in Malta and Europe.

Discover the Malta Maritime Museum

Il-Karrakka at the Malta Maritime Museum

Il-Karrakka at the Malta Maritime Museum | Image byContinentaleurope on Wikimedia Commons

If you are interested in maritime history, you should not miss the Malta Maritime Museum, which is housed in a former naval bakery on the waterfront. It displays a collection of artefacts and models that span over 2,000 years of Malta’s seafaring history, from the Phoenicians to the modern era. You can see ancient anchors, cannons, ships, uniforms, maps, and much more.

The museum is currently closed and will re-open to the public on February 9, 2024.

Visit the Malta at War Museum

The Malta at War Museum is a museum that showcases the history and experiences of Malta during World War II. The museum is housed in a former barrack block and an underground air raid shelter that were used by the Maltese people and the British forces to protect themselves from the attacks.

The museum displays various artefacts, such as weapons, uniforms, medals, documents, and personal items, that belonged to the soldiers and civilians who lived through the war. It also features original film footage of the war, such as the 1943 propaganda film Malta G.C., which shows the bravery and resilience of the Maltese people.

Enjoy the waterfront and marina

Don Berto Restaurant at Birgu Waterfront

Don Berto Restaurant at Birgu Waterfront | Image by Eduardo Arostegui on Flickr

Vittoriosa has a beautiful waterfront that offers a variety of activities and attractions. You can stroll along the promenade and enjoy the views of the harbour and the yachts. You can also stop by one of the many restaurants, cafes, and bars that line the waterfront and sample some of the local delicacies, such as rabbit stew, pastizzi, or ftira.

One of the most popular spots on the waterfront is the Vittoriosa Yacht Marina, which is home to some of the most luxurious and elegant yachts in Malta. You can admire these vessels from a distance or book a boat tour or charter that will take you around the harbour and beyond. You can also visit the Yacht Club, which organises sailing events and courses for members and guests.

Experience the local culture and festivals

Vittoriosa is a lively city that celebrates its culture and traditions with various festivals and events throughout the year. One of the most famous festivals is Birgu Fest, which takes place every October and transforms the city into a magical spectacle of lights, music, and art. The highlight of Birgu Fest is the Candlelight Festival, when thousands of candles are lit along the streets, creating a romantic and enchanting atmosphere.

Another important festival in Vittoriosa is Holy Week, which commemorates the passion and death of Jesus Christ. During this time, you can witness several processions that feature elaborate statues, costumes, and bands. You can also visit some of the churches in Vittoriosa that display artistic representations of scenes from the Passion.

Some of the most notable churches in Vittoriosa are St. Lawrence’s Church, which is the parish church and one of the oldest in Malta; St. Dominic’s Church, which is famous for its miraculous painting of Our Lady of the Rosary; and St. Scholastica’s Church, which is a baroque masterpiece with a richly decorated interior.

Senglea (L-Isla)

Senglea is the smallest but also the most densely populated of the Three Cities. It was founded by Grand Master Claude de la Sengle in 1551 as a fortified city to protect Vittoriosa from Ottoman attacks. It was also heavily bombed during World War II but managed to survive and was rebuilt after the war.

Today, Senglea is a charming city that offers stunning views of the Grand Harbour and Valletta. Here are some of the best things to do in Senglea:

Admire the panoramic views from the Gardjola Gardens

Gardjola Gardens

Gardjola Gardens | Image by Shepard4711 on Flickr

One of the best places to enjoy the views of Senglea and its surroundings is from the Gardjola Gardens, which are located at the tip of Senglea Point. The gardens are named after a watchtower that stands on a bastion overlooking the harbour. The tower has various symbols carved on its sides, such as an eye and an ear representing vigilance and readiness.

From here, you can admire a panoramic view of Valletta, Fort St. Angelo, Fort Ricasoli, Fort St. Elmo, and other landmarks. You can also see some of the traditional boats that sail in the harbour, such as dgħajjes (rowing boats) and luzzus (fishing boats).

Relax on the promenade

Senglea Waterfront

Senglea Waterfront | Image by Frank Vincentz on Wikimedia Commons

Senglea has several public gardens and parks where you can relax and enjoy some greenery and fresh air. One of them is Senglea Point, which is a promenade that runs along the edge of the city and offers spectacular views of the harbour and Valletta. You can sit on one of the benches or picnic tables and watch the boats and ferries pass by.

Visit the churches and monuments

Senglea has several churches and monuments that reflect its history and culture. One of them is the Basilica of Our Lady of Victories, which is also known as Il-Vitorja (The Victory). It was built in 1743 to commemorate Malta’s victory over the Ottoman Empire in 1565. It has a baroque facade with statues of saints and angels. Inside, you can see a painting of Our Lady holding a baby Jesus with a laurel wreath on his head.

Another church worth visiting is St. Philip’s Church, which dates back to 1596 and has a simple but elegant exterior. Inside, you can admire paintings by Mattia Preti and Francesco Zahra, as well as a wooden statue of St. Philip that is carried in procession during his feast day.

A notable monument in Senglea is Macina (The Sheerlegs), a monument that was used to lift heavy loads from ships and repair them. It was built by the British in 1842 and is one of the few surviving examples of its kind in the world. You can learn more about its history and function at the nearby Macina Interpretation Centre.

Cospicua (Bormla)

Bormla Waterfront

Bormla Waterfront | Image by FritzPhotography on Wikimedia Commons

Cospicua is the largest and most populous of the Three Cities. It was founded by Grand Master Nicolas Cotoner in 1670 as a double-fortified city to protect Vittoriosa and Senglea from Ottoman attacks. It was also one of the most heavily bombed areas during World War II, but it managed to preserve some of its historic buildings and monuments.

Today, Cospicua is a vibrant city, and here are some of the best things to do in Cospicua:

Shop at the local markets and boutiques

Cospicua has a lively shopping scene that offers a variety of products and services for locals and visitors alike. You can find everything from fresh produce to clothes, antiques, crafts, books, souvenirs, and more.

One of the best places to shop in Cospicua is Cottonera Market, which is held every Tuesday morning on Triq il-Vitorja. It is one of the largest open-air markets in Malta and attracts hundreds of vendors and buyers. You can browse through stalls that sell fruits, vegetables, cheese, fish, meat, bread, pastries, flowers, plants, clothes, shoes, accessories, jewellery, household items, toys, books, DVDs, CDs, games, electronics, etc.

Visit Bir Mula Heritage House

Another place to shop in Cospicua is Bir Mula Heritage House, a museum and cultural centre that showcases the history and lifestyle of Cospicua and its inhabitants. It is located in a historic house that dates back to the Arab period and has various rooms and exhibits that display different aspects of Cospicua’s past and present. You can see archaeological finds, traditional costumes, furniture, tools, paintings, photographs, and more.


The Three Cities of Malta are a treasure trove of history, culture, and beauty that offer a unique and memorable experience for visitors. Whether you want to explore the ancient fortifications and museums, enjoy the scenic waterfront and marina, or experience the local culture and festivals, you will find something to suit your taste in each of the Three Cities.

If you are planning to visit Malta, make sure to include the Three Cities in your itinerary and discover their charm and secrets. You will not regret it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get to the Three Cities from Valletta?

You can take a ferry from Valletta to Vittoriosa or Senglea, which takes about 10 minutes and costs 2 euros for a round trip. You can also take a bus from Valletta to any one of the cities, which takes about 20 minutes and costs 1.5 euros for a single ticket.

What are some of the best restaurants and bars in the Three Cities?

There are many restaurants and bars in the Three Cities that offer a variety of cuisines and atmospheres. We recommend checking out Hammett's Macina Restaurant, Tal-Petut, and Don Borgo.

What are some of the best events and festivals in the Three Cities?

There are many events and festivals in the Three Cities that celebrate their history and culture throughout the year. Some of the most popular ones are Birgu Fest, which takes place every October; the celebrations around Holy Week; and the traditional Regatta races, which take place every March 31st and September 8th.

What other places can be visited nearby the Three Cities?

You can visit Fort Rinella, which is a 19th-century fortification, or the Esplora Interactive Science Centre, both of which are in the nearby town of Kalkara.

Shaun is a passionate traveller from Malta who loves sharing his experiences with others. With a deep-seated wanderlust and a desire to explore new places.

This blog serves as a platform to inspire and motivate fellow travellers who are also searching for bliss in their lives through travel.